Sunday, March 1, 2015

Craving a Race

Yeah, so it's been awhile since I posted.....I guess I kind of fell off the wagon (so to speak).

I was signed up to the the Crave Chick Chaser today.  It's an 8km run and you get a Crave Cupcake at the end.  Basically, I chickened out :-(  It's put on by a Triathalon store and I was super intimidated.  I even emailed the race organizers to ask if they ever had anyone walk/run it.  He emailed back and said, it a grassroots run and they accept all people wanting to participate.  I still wasn't convinced.....I tried to get at least one other person to participate with me, but had no luck.  I was super afraid I was going to be the VERY last person and by a long shot too.  Turns out I would have been very right!  I saw the results of the race and the last person to cross the finish line was about 1 hour.  I'm sure I would have been at least 1hr 30 min.  I think it would have been very upsetting to be THAT last!  So I'm glad that I decided not to do the race.  So, here's hoping that I can do it for real next year.

My next race is The Original St. Patricks' Day Race on March 15.  I have a friend that I do that with every year, so am looking forward to that.  She runs it and I walk it.  At the end they have the "Win Your Weight In Beer" contest.  The person who wins, sits on one side of a teeter-totter and they pile on cases of beer on the other side, until it balances.  Here's hoping I win it - it'd be a shock to them, if I won LOL!

I have NOT been training AT ALL.  Which I really hoped I would be able to commit to.  I come home and have a nap almost every day after work.  The days that I'm not napping, I'm either volunteering with CCASA or working at my 2nd job.  I've really got to get things moving along, if I want to participate in Melissa's Road Race in September.

I'm volunteering and working at both this week and then off to see my nephews on the weekend.  Who knows when I'll post next