Sunday, May 14, 2017


So, I finished the DietBet AND I won!  Each person that won the DietBet, won $41.27, which means I actually won $11.27, since it cost me $30 to enter.  So, I joined another one!

The DietBet was a lot of fun and I did really well with it.  Lost 17 lbs, which was more than I was required to, in order to win.  It was pretty nice to see that new number on the scale at the end of the 4 weeks.

I've been walking almost everyday.  I try to walk at lunch and then again after work.  I'm averaging about 5 km a day, between the 2.  I've been trying to do hills as well, although I've only actually done that twice.  I try to walk on Saturday's with a group of women, when I'm in town.  Last weekend, we walked up this really steep hill, that tested me, but I did it!  I "liked" it SO much that a friend and I went back 2 nights later and did it again.

No one has really noticed the weight loss yet, I know that I really haven't.  I have told several people that I've lost weight and maybe they had noticed then, but no one has said anything to me.  I don't necessarily care that no one has mentioned it.  I think I might 'care' when I actually start to notice.

My walk this evening
I had a bad day today, as far as eating goes.  However, I actually recorded everything I ate in MFP, even though I didn't want to.  Even though, I was over my calorie for today, even with the exercise, I accounted for what I ate.  Tomorrow will be different.  I won't be gaining back this weight, not this time!

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

No Pepsi....

Well, I'm entering Day 6 with no Pepsi!  I can't actually believe I've lasted this long!  2 nights ago, I was really craving it, but I had a Dasani Sparking Water instead and while it's NOTHING like having a Pepsi, I think just the carbonation helped alleviate the craving.

Today is my "official" weigh in day.  I've decided that Tuesday's will be my day, since that was the first day of the Diet Bet I just started.  I'm already down 6.8 lbs, which is half way to my diet bet goal.  Since I weighed in at like 9pm, I'm going to stick with around that time, to try and keep it as accurate as possible.  So I'll be weighing in tonight.  (I may post again today.....)

I've been walking every day, for the last 5 days as well.  Most days it's a struggle to get out there, but I go!  I work at 2 different hospitals, in the pharmacy.  The first hospital, has a cafeteria and it's difficult to get out at lunch.....The 2nd hospital, is out in the boonies, with no cafeteria, however a walmart and several restaurants are within a reasonable driving distance.  I'm at the 2nd hospital, starting on the 24th, for 4 weeks!  I'm excited about that, as it will allow me to get out for a walk at lunch and I have a bit more freedom.  So I'm hoping that will help me even more in my personal goal, as well as my dietbet goal.

With Easter being this past weekend, I was pleasantly surprised, that I was able to resist all the candy/junk food that was brought into work.  Granted a lot of it I didn't really care for, but there were jelly beans and chips.  Both of which I would normally have eaten my fair share of (or more!).

I'm not sure what appears to be different about deciding to eat differently and exercise, this time as opposed to ALL those other times I said I was going to do this.  For whatever reason though, this seems legitimately different!

Saturday, April 15, 2017

Diet Bet

So, I've joined a DietBet.  DietBet, is where you bet an amount of money, in this case $30.  You then have 28 days to lose 4% of whatever your starting weight was.  If you lose the 4% of your weight, you and whomever else also lost that amount of weight split the pot.

This DietBet started on April 11 and runs to May 8.  So this is now Day 5.  I'm already down 4.6 lbs.  I am on Day 3 of drinking no soda.  I have tried to replace it with Dasani Naturally Flavoured Sparkling Water (lemon flavoured).  Don't get me wrong, it's nowhere near the same thing as drinking Pepsi, but I think the fizziness is helping alleviate any cravings so far.....I'm very surprised that I'm not craving it (maybe I shouldn't have written that, it'll probably jinx me)

I went for a walk yesterday afternoon, after work.  It was a bit breezy out, but sunny too.  Kind of the perfect day for a stroll.  Did most of the circle in my neighborhood, including a stop at Tim Hortons for some tea.  Then walked through the school yard on my way home.  

4.34 km, not bad!
Worked today too and the weather was much less nice than it was yesterday afternoon.  It was really blustery, as I left the hospital.  The farther NW I drove, the gloomier I got and by the time I was really close to home, it was starting to snow.  I debated the whole drive, about whether I was going to go home and nap or do what I should do and go out for a walk.  Took me awhile to convince myself, but I finally got changed to go out.  It was starting to snow even more by then, so decided on just a trip to Timmy's instead.  Took the shortcut there and the wind was starting to pick up and the snow falling a bit more.  After I got my tea, the snow was starting to fall faster and the wind was blowing it straight into my face.  Had no choice, but to head home......
Me, my spotted glasses and my steeped tea

Didn't go very far or very fast, but despite the crappy weather I was glad I'd made the effort to go out.

Sunday, January 31, 2016


Had a good weekend.  I was able to go swimming lengths one night and walking the track the next night.  Haven't been to the Y, in several months, so felt quite good to get back at it.  Makes me want to go more often.

I'm working evenings the next 3 nights.  It makes it difficult to plan meals.  Seems silly, really, as I don't start work until 2 pm, but it still seems hard to plan.

I "binged" tonight.  I had eaten all my calories for the day (still had 115 left).  But around 9pm, I went to DQ and bought a cheeseburger, small pepsi, large chocolate sundae and a banana split.  Put me 1500 calories over my limit.  Can't really think why I did it persay, but of course, now I regret it.
Anyway, tomorrow is a new day, to I'll start over again.

That's all for today

Friday, January 29, 2016

Biggest Loser and MFP

Work has started an 11 week competition with a $20 buy in, for our "Biggest Loser".  We have to weigh in every 2 weeks.  I've been logging into MFP every day, for the last 2.5 weeks.  I've only lost 1.2 lbs, but it's a huge improvement over anything I've done in the last while.

MFP has me eating 1710 calories/day.  I haven't been exercising, but I'm hoping to rectify that soon. I'm in the midst of getting new appliances, so I've been busy "spring cleaning" in order to get them installed.  I'm a huge procrastinator, so it's been taking me forever, to get it done.  I know that after next week, I'll be able to get my act together.  Although, there's always some excuse, isn't there.

My friend Dana has asked me to go swimming with her and her daughter tonight, so I'm looking forward to that, maybe it'll be the kick in the pants I need.

Let's see if I can keep this blog going for more than one entry every six months this time

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Craving a Race

Yeah, so it's been awhile since I posted.....I guess I kind of fell off the wagon (so to speak).

I was signed up to the the Crave Chick Chaser today.  It's an 8km run and you get a Crave Cupcake at the end.  Basically, I chickened out :-(  It's put on by a Triathalon store and I was super intimidated.  I even emailed the race organizers to ask if they ever had anyone walk/run it.  He emailed back and said, it a grassroots run and they accept all people wanting to participate.  I still wasn't convinced.....I tried to get at least one other person to participate with me, but had no luck.  I was super afraid I was going to be the VERY last person and by a long shot too.  Turns out I would have been very right!  I saw the results of the race and the last person to cross the finish line was about 1 hour.  I'm sure I would have been at least 1hr 30 min.  I think it would have been very upsetting to be THAT last!  So I'm glad that I decided not to do the race.  So, here's hoping that I can do it for real next year.

My next race is The Original St. Patricks' Day Race on March 15.  I have a friend that I do that with every year, so am looking forward to that.  She runs it and I walk it.  At the end they have the "Win Your Weight In Beer" contest.  The person who wins, sits on one side of a teeter-totter and they pile on cases of beer on the other side, until it balances.  Here's hoping I win it - it'd be a shock to them, if I won LOL!

I have NOT been training AT ALL.  Which I really hoped I would be able to commit to.  I come home and have a nap almost every day after work.  The days that I'm not napping, I'm either volunteering with CCASA or working at my 2nd job.  I've really got to get things moving along, if I want to participate in Melissa's Road Race in September.

I'm volunteering and working at both this week and then off to see my nephews on the weekend.  Who knows when I'll post next


Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Darn Chinook!

Well, we are in the midst of a chinook.  Which temperature wise is great, but walking wise is not so great.  It thaws during the day and then it freezes at night, which makes walking on the sidewalks treacherous!  Never thought that I would be wishing for cold weather again.  Or I guess I'll have to start walking before it gets dark....

I used 3 different things to track my walk tonight.
1.  I've been using the FitBit Flex for about 6 months now.  I've been using it off and on.  I seem to go in spurts.  I like wearing it, but occasionally forget to charge it and then it sort of falls to the wayside. I have several friends that are using it as well, so that helps with motivation.  I have been trying really hard of the last 2 weeks to get 10,000 steps per day, but it doesn't always seem possible.  But I did hit 10,000 today!
2.  Garmin ForeRunner 10.  I have had this for almost a year, but honestly haven't used it that much.  I have found that the battery doesn't seem to last that long.  I'll have to play around with it a bit more to make sure I'm using it correctly.
3.  Strava App on my Android.  A friend introduced me to the app.  I quite like it, as I always have my phone with me, so it's easy to use in a pinch.  The only thing, so far, that I don't like about it, is the fact that if you list your activity as a walk, it doesn't really take that into account for your weekly/monthly mileage. That is annoying!

I'm trying to figure out how to share my Garmin info on my blog, but not having much luck so far.  In the meantime, I'll continue to share from my Strava App and we'll go from there:

I have been looking for a run in February and finally found one.  I can't register yet, but it's a run that has Crave CupCakes at the end of the run!  I'm looking forward to it already!

I think that's it for tonight.