Sunday, January 31, 2016


Had a good weekend.  I was able to go swimming lengths one night and walking the track the next night.  Haven't been to the Y, in several months, so felt quite good to get back at it.  Makes me want to go more often.

I'm working evenings the next 3 nights.  It makes it difficult to plan meals.  Seems silly, really, as I don't start work until 2 pm, but it still seems hard to plan.

I "binged" tonight.  I had eaten all my calories for the day (still had 115 left).  But around 9pm, I went to DQ and bought a cheeseburger, small pepsi, large chocolate sundae and a banana split.  Put me 1500 calories over my limit.  Can't really think why I did it persay, but of course, now I regret it.
Anyway, tomorrow is a new day, to I'll start over again.

That's all for today

Friday, January 29, 2016

Biggest Loser and MFP

Work has started an 11 week competition with a $20 buy in, for our "Biggest Loser".  We have to weigh in every 2 weeks.  I've been logging into MFP every day, for the last 2.5 weeks.  I've only lost 1.2 lbs, but it's a huge improvement over anything I've done in the last while.

MFP has me eating 1710 calories/day.  I haven't been exercising, but I'm hoping to rectify that soon. I'm in the midst of getting new appliances, so I've been busy "spring cleaning" in order to get them installed.  I'm a huge procrastinator, so it's been taking me forever, to get it done.  I know that after next week, I'll be able to get my act together.  Although, there's always some excuse, isn't there.

My friend Dana has asked me to go swimming with her and her daughter tonight, so I'm looking forward to that, maybe it'll be the kick in the pants I need.

Let's see if I can keep this blog going for more than one entry every six months this time